school app

Why Choose ?
yes, is flexible, scalable, reliable, inexpensive, robust, easy to use, secure and all the other good adjectives in the dictionary. But what gives us the edge over the competition? We give you all the right reasons! Other then the awesomeness which is hardwired into app, we offer the following unique benefits.

APP Features

we can easily post our school event to the parent’s and teacher’s apps.

Push notification
Push notification messaging/alerts become extremely handy when you want to notify your community about school notice. It’s cost effective feature.

Track fees schedule, fee paid and pending installments for all the fee to be paid

Create a short quiz to students. They can easily attempt that quiz with score.

School Diary
A complete timeline view of informational homework, fees, results related information being sent by the school on a regular basis.

Student or parent’s can see the his / her bus details on app.

Catch the glimpses of your school’s photos, videos and watch live events.

Track student attendance and inform parents instantly about child absence.

school app – KBC ALL MEDIA Software easy to use

YouTube Channel
